In December 2002 we arrived in Zambia and were working with Teen Missions Intl. at their Bible School. We were there two years. Cindy worked in the office doing ministry bookkeeping. She also home schooled our two boys. Bill primarily made supply & equipment deliveries to the many outlying Orphan Rescue Units. He also worked on upgrades to the base, taught & worked with the students. While there we also initiated a rabbit program to help provide fresh meat at a reasonable cost.

The staff and student body of the Bible school in front of the sign out on the main road.

Students involved in a discussion and exercise concerning the Jewish Tabernacle.

Two sisters. Orphans were one of our primary ministries while we were serving in Zambia, and certainly a focus that Jesus spoke about.

The staff and student body of the Bible school in front of the sign out on the main road.
© 2017 Perfect Peace Ministries Inc.