In 1994 we dedicated our lives to serving the Lord in whatever capacity He would ask. We were attending a small Southern Baptist church in Arizona when we both received the Lord’s free gift of salvation. We had a consuming desire to understand the Bible and grow in our relationship with our new Savior. The Lord blessed our desire and our faith grew, as did our biblical knowledge. We were very active in our church and looked for ways to serve the Lord.
In 1998 Cindy went on a short-term mission trip to Russia. It was an eye opening experience for her, and the beginning of the Lord’s leading us into missions. In 2000, together, we led a team of four adult leaders and 25 preteen children to Israel with Teen Missions Intl. (TMI) We spent one month in Israel doing work projects and local evangelism. In 2001 we accepted a call to the foreign mission field as full-time missionaries serving with TMI. During our time overseas we would serve the Lord in South Africa, Zambia, and Belize. We returned to the U.S. in 2007 and resigned from TMI. We continued in ministry, serving first with a children’s home in New Mexico, and then a facility in Arizona that dealt with addictions and life controlling behaviors in teen-age boys.
July 2010 we felt the Lord leading us back to the foreign mission field, but also felt He wanted us to set up our own ministry. We incorporated Perfect Peace Ministries Inc., received non-profit status, and went back to Belize. We lived and worked ten miles in the jungle where we were building a mission base and working with local pastors. We also worked with the Belize government as foster parents for at-risk children.
We have been in full-time Christian service since 2002 and are blessed by the opportunities to serve and help others in whatever capacity God asks us. We enjoy sharing our faith and being a witness to others of what a Christ-filled life can be.
God has taken us on an exciting journey so far, from the privilege of serving Him overseas to ministering to young people here in the States. We are excited at the prospect of new and different opportunities to minister to others wherever we are. It is our desire to share the love of Christ with those the Lord brings to us through this ministry, and to further the Kingdom of God by faithful devotion to Him.
© 2017 Perfect Peace Ministries Inc.