In November 2018 we went to Damongo, Ghana. We felt the Lord leading us to partner with Globelink. A Texas based ministry that has been working in Ghana for many years. They operate a mission base in the northern part of Ghana.
Perfect Peace Ministries Inc. is a ministry set up to partner with other ministries that carry out the Lord's work.
While we were in Ghana we built a working rabbit colony and trained the Globelink staff how to manage and raise rabbits for meat.

Bill with Sammy at the base in Damongo. Sammy is the in country manager of the ministry.

Cindy, with some of the young girls in the area.

Bill is watching Sammy as he conducts a "Kids Club" in one of the local villages.

Bill with Sammy at the base in Damongo. Sammy is the in country manager of the ministry.
© 2017 Perfect Peace Ministries Inc.