Expected Rabbit Production

This photo taken in Zambia is of the babies in their designated room. They will be transferred to another room as they grow, until they are big enough to butcher.

This photo taken in Zambia is of the babies in their designated room. They will be transferred to another room as they grow, until they are big enough to butcher.
A properly managed rabbit colony should consistently provide many mature rabbits every month. Each doe in your colony should produce between 6-10 kits every 31 days. Therefore, a colony of 10 does should produce 60-100 babies each month. These numbers may vary according to your colonies’ health and feeding capabilities.
A rabbit will be considered fully grown at 12 weeks of age and should weigh 3-5 pounds. When butchered it should produce 2-3 pounds of high protein meat. So, if you consider 60-100 rabbits weighing 2-3 pounds butchered, you will get between 120-300 pounds of meat every month.
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